Alan Grant’s story follows the Loxleys, a Canadian family living in the Niagara peninsula as they’re torn apart by the American invasion of Canada in 1812, and the subsequent war that raged across both countries as British troops, Canadian militia, and First Nation warriors sought to thwart the expansionist plans of the American government. Adapted from the best-selling graphic novel by the author himself, this novelisation can be downloaded in PDF format, including exclusive chapter illustrations.
Alan Grant’s story follows the Loxleys, a Canadian family living in the Niagara peninsula as they’re torn apart by the American invasion of Canada in 1812, and the subsequent war that raged across both countries as British troops, Canadian militia, and First Nation warriors sought to thwart the expansionist plans of the American government. Adapted from the best-selling graphic novel by the author himself, this novelisation can be downloaded in PDF format, including exclusive chapter illustrations.
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