To Better Know a Renegade: Mark Allard-Will

2020-06-29T19:29:02+00:00October 16th, 2019|

Greetings all! Welcome to another exciting installment of "To Better Know a Renegade." We have a very special interview this week with the one and only Mark Allard-Will, author of THE BURNING BLACK: LEGEND OF BLACK SHUCK. Mark spends enough of his personal time writing so when he asked [...]

To Better Know a Renegade: Derek Evernden

2020-06-29T19:30:32+00:00July 29th, 2019|

To Better Know a Renegade: Derek Evernden Hello all! It feels like it’s been ages since we’ve talked. How are things? Oh… that bad huh… Well hopefully this will cheer you up. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Canadian Cartoonist/Sartorius/All-around-good-guy Derek Evernden. Derek released his debut book Bogart [...]