To Better Know a Renegade: Mark Allard-Will
Greetings all! Welcome to another exciting installment of "To Better Know a Renegade." We have a very special interview this week with the one and only Mark Allard-Will, author of THE BURNING BLACK: LEGEND OF BLACK SHUCK. Mark spends enough of his personal time writing so when he asked [...]
To Better Know a Renegade: Shea Proulx
To Better Know a Renegade: Shea Proulx Hello all! It's that time again. It gives me great privilege to present the words and works of Calgary's own Shea Proulx. Shea's graphic novel, Alice at Naptime, is a picture perfect encapsulation of parenting joys and woes. Saying goodbye to your [...]
To Better Know a Renegade: Derek Evernden
To Better Know a Renegade: Derek Evernden Hello all! It feels like it’s been ages since we’ve talked. How are things? Oh… that bad huh… Well hopefully this will cheer you up. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Canadian Cartoonist/Sartorius/All-around-good-guy Derek Evernden. Derek released his debut book Bogart [...]
Happy International Women’s Day!
In our 10 years of publishing (10!) we have been fortunate to work with a myriad of talented women. We wouldn't be where we our today without their efforts and we are truly thankful for having the opportunity to work with them. Happy International Women's Day. We hope you enjoy [...]
Bogart Creek
Collecting the best of Bogart Creek, Derek Evernden's laugh out loud funny, single-panel comics of absurd and dark humor. Similar in style to The Far Side, Bogart Creek is a perfect book for bathroom reading, filled with laugh out loud jokes featuring nods at well known cultural and topical icons. [...]