• 152 pages, hardcover, beautifully illustrated history book and graphic novel
    Second printing will ship August 23rd 2019, including exclusive bonus art print to commemorate the end of WW1 and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, June 28th 1919. Presented as a historical scrapbook with beautifully realised, photo-realistic artwork. Framing the history is a graphic novel story about a teenage boy, in Surrey BC, caught up in drug gangs. He rethinks his choices after his 95 year old great grandfather comes to visit the family in Canada. His stories of their past, and seeing him reunited with a Canadian soldier his great grandfather saved during WW2 opens up a different path to live his life. Written by Steven Purewal, illustrated by Christopher Rawlins ISBN: 9781988903477
  • Frank

    112 page, beautifully illustrated graphic novel
    A lost love, a murder, and a mountain that walks. A historical mystery set in the tragedy of the Frank Slide, one of Canada’s deadliest natural disasters. Eve Lee is in a self-destructive spiral—her big plans for a new life in Frank have not at all turned out how she had planned. As Eve hits the bottom she’s forced to confront her expectations when her former lover disappears under questionable circumstances. But is there something sinister at play or is she simply being obsessive and self-centred? And will she be able to put her past behind her before she finds herself buried under it? Written and drawn by Ben Rankel.