Renegade Returns to Calgary Expo

2021-09-08T18:48:40+00:00September 8th, 2021|

It's been a while! We're excited to return to the convention table next weekend at the Calgary Expo. We'll be there, along with creator guests Kyle Simmers, Ryan Danny Owen, Shea Proulx, Chase Kantor, Spencer Estabrooks, and Alexander Finbow. Catch us on Saturday at 4PM for a Spotlight on [...]

News Round-Up

2021-09-08T21:25:02+00:00August 25th, 2021|

It's time for a news round-up! We’re excited and honoured to announce the acquisition of publishing rights to forthcoming Wheetago War graphic novel ROTH, from bestselling and award winning indigenous author Richard Van Camp (Moccasin Square Gardens, The Lesser Blessed), collaborating with acclaimed illustrator Christopher Shy (Dead Space, I [...]

Homes: A Refugee Story

2021-06-16T15:59:59+00:00June 16th, 2021|

We are thrilled to announce that Renegade Arts Entertainment will be adapting Abu Bakr al Rabeeah and Winnie Yeung’s award winning, non-fiction book Homes: A Refugee Story from Freehand Press.  Author Winnie Yeung will write the graphic novel adaptation along with co-writer Nicole Wolf. Nicole will also be illustrating the [...]

Hell’s Flaw McNally’s Launch

2021-06-01T22:10:21+00:00June 1st, 2021|

The fifth book in the acclaimed Shame series, Hell's Flaw, is out now! You can join author Lovern Kindzierski for a digital launch with McNally Robinson Winnipeg this Thursday (June 3rd 2021), featuring a conversation hosted by Holly Halftone. Lovern will discuss the latest book, working with a legendary illustrator, [...]

Hell’s Flaw – Shame Book 5 – has arrived

2021-05-21T19:07:32+00:00May 20th, 2021|

The reign of Shame is over. Mother Virtue had lain waste to the ancient evil that was Slur.  Shame had been blasted into the infernal realm, body and soul. Merritt, Fate’s Sword, survived a journey through Hell and back to rescue the soul of Shame’s child. That soul now [...]

New books day!

2020-09-09T03:09:35+00:00September 9th, 2020|

It's time for two fantastic new books to be delivered into the world. Original graphic novel A Slug Story by mother & daughter team, Mandi & Hana Kujawa (Saskatoon, Banff), drawn by Claude St. Aubin (Raymond, AB) with colours by Lovern Kindzierski and letters by Taylor Esposito.   Marcus [...]

2020 Alberta Book Publishing Awards Shortlist Announced

2020-09-02T18:29:56+00:00August 18th, 2020|

The Alberta Book publishing awards celebrate the diversity and excellence of book publishing in our province. We're chuffed to see 4 Renegade published books on the awards shortlist in 2020. Chosen by jury process, the shortlist titles represent the best books each year. Our shortlisted titles are: for TRADE [...]

To Better Know a Renegade: Mark Allard-Will

2020-06-29T19:29:02+00:00October 16th, 2019|

Greetings all! Welcome to another exciting installment of "To Better Know a Renegade." We have a very special interview this week with the one and only Mark Allard-Will, author of THE BURNING BLACK: LEGEND OF BLACK SHUCK. Mark spends enough of his personal time writing so when he asked [...]

Talent Spotting at Boston Fan Expo

2019-08-14T19:15:19+00:00August 14th, 2019|

This weekend is Fan Expo Boston, an event with a stellar line-up of comic creator guests. Also heading down there, is our Assistant Publisher, Emily Pomeroy. Emily is trekking from our Secret Mountain Lair right now, she should be in Boston on Friday. Part of her mission, besides meeting [...]